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From the ocean to the desert and the mountains, the sound of Southern California's Greater Pacific floats alongside the early morning light across open fields and hills of green to a lonely back country road.  The pining sound of pedal steel and the signature timbre of Kyle Kersten's voice are the essence of the band's sound.  With the additional production of John Phinney, Greater Pacific includes plenty of what could be possible unexpected instrumentation that builds into peaks and subsides into soundscapes. 

This harmony of music making all started when Kersten and Phinney started playing together in the band Travel By Sea.  Their ongoing role in Travel By Sea has encouraged the relationship to overflow to their new project Greater Pacific.  It is certain to be an experience which will bring us through the tumbleweeds of rural America and what could be the easier life we could use these days.

For the recording of the upcoming EP, they were joined by fellow Travel By Sea member Mike Cusick on drums and featuring generous appearances from the much beloved fixture of L.A's eastside music scene, Angela Correa.  This indie folk outfit is rooted in the sounds and open air of country folk, while not being trapped in the past...